Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Plan

Well . . . I haven't had a chance to carry it out! This is disappointing. I've been hawkish, looking for pro-life propaganda that I can cover up with pink duct tape and take a picture of, or just flip the bird at and take a picture of my bird finger in front of the propaganda. (See excerpt from previous post below for a description of The Plan.)

We also devised a little game for ourselves. One of the things that has been very painful for us to deal with -- other than seeing pregnant women everywhere, and other than seeing little babies in strollers -- is seeing Pro-Life stickers on cars. None of us made our decisions callously, so seeing stickers on cars that lumps us in with others who made abortions for other reasons, is hard. We decided we will do one of two things when we see such stickers: (1) Take a picture of our finger flipping off the sticker and post it to our online support site in a thread that others can add to [with their own pictures]; or (2) Cover up the sticker with pink duct tape [on sale at Joann's for $4.99] and take a picture of it to post to said site.

I went out and bought my pink duct tape yesterday; my camera has been in my purse/bag for about two days. I am on the lookout. Who will post first? I saw one sticker as W was driving along yesterday (he is home from Army) but, as we were moving, I was unable to carry out our plan. My eyes are peeled everywhere I go.

I guess drivers in The OC are very vain about their cars (yeah, okay, that includes me) and don't want to put anything on their car, much less inflamatory stickers. So, instead, I decided to "flip the bird" at some offending political appeal DH got in the mail this week. He was supposed to sign it and send it in to our state senators and our state representative, all of whom are Democrats. The senators in particular are very
pro-choice. Whatever. Here's my pic:

I posted the pic and a description of "the game" to my Heartbreaking Choice support board in the Pro-Choice forum. We'll see what kind of feedback it gets.


AnnaBelle said...

Heeheehee I love this idea! It is going to be a non-destructive way to release some anger towards anti-choice mailings and bumper stickers.

I haven't said anything on AHC, I almost replied with what I just said above but decided a photo of the plan in action would be better. Just waiting for an opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Placing duct tape on a person's vehicle is vandalism, which is a misdemeanor offense.